We often find ourselves in situations where it's easier to ignore someone's suffering than to lend a helping hand. This does nothing but create a world where no one can rely on another human being for compassion; therefore, we believe in teaching our youth that it's important to think of others before putting yourself first. We have to care more for one another if we wish to create a brighter future.

We know that building a strong sense of community is a step in the right direction towards a better tomorrow. Therefore one of our goals is to teach the next generation of leaders that they can only be effective and fair leaders if they see everyone in their community as equal human beings. This is why we promote diversity and inclusion through our programming and awareness campaigns.

Power of Millennials aims to help bridge the gap in education by creating a future where every child has an equal opportunity to succeed. By providing tutoring services, we can help children in our community succeed academically, and we can provide them with the educational resources they need to maintain that success.

Mental Health Awareness
We strive to listen to the concerns of every child and person we come across. To effectively serve the youth in our community, we know that it’s essential to know what trials and tribulations they face. If we can't help them address the challenges in their life, we're forcing them to carry that burden with them; therefore, they may unwillingly spread that pain.

Financial Literacy
Budgeting, saving, and investing are issues that many Americans struggle with. It’s difficult for many people to envision a future where everyone has financial security, but by teaching our youth about financial literacy we can put them on the path to build and maintain generational wealth. This is something that Power of Millennials believes all of our youth should know.