Past Events
Our events

Power of Millennials
Past Events

From the year our organization began in 2019, we have been dedicated to hosting events where we can display to the community that we care about our youth. Please click through the different tabs to learn more about how we work towards of mission of providing children with the resources they need to build and attain a productive future that they desire.

2019 Thanksgiving dinner post board

2019 Events

For our first event we decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner for women, and children who are victims of domestic violence. Children who grow up in households where they witness domestic violence can be affected by that trauma for their entire lives. Our goal was to provide them with a safe space for the holiday, where they can feel a sense of relief, and know that there are people who support them. We went on to help some of these families with rental assistance, and gifts for their children for the holiday season.

Atlanta Botanical Garden picture of everyone eating lunch

Pandemic Changes

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our educational Girls Trip due to COVID, and even though Atlanta was allowing certain businesses to open, we wanted to take precautions; therefore, during the summer of 2020, we had an outing at the Atlantic Botanical Gardens. We invited some young women out to enjoy the scenery and learn more about horticulture. After we dined at the restaurant, and discussed what we viewed.

A photo of volunteers from our 2020 Thanksgiving dinner in Brooklyn, NY

Second Thanksgiving Dinner

Acquiring a location to host our second Thanksgiving Dinner was difficult with COVID. Fortunately, we overcame that obstacle thanks to the help of K&L Event Studios who graciously collaborated with us, and helped us pull off an amazing dinner for the community of Brooklyn, NY. We were able to give generous portions of food in to-go containers (in order to follow NY COVID-19 guidelines), and made Thanksgiving feel special for some Brooklynites.

children with Santa at 2022's "A Christmas Experience" in Snellville, GA

Every Child Gets a Gift was a Christmas party held for underprivileged families in Metro Atlanta. We provided food, beverages, games, a Santa to take pictures, a photo booth, prizes, music, and much more. Although we change the name of the event every year, our mission is the same. We wish to provide these children with toys, electronics, and possibly clothing that will allow them to enjoy their holiday season to the fullest.

A photo with Power of Millennials Vice President and the manager of Home Depot Lilburn that donated items for our 2021 Christmas Experience in Snellville

Thanks to the help of Toys for Tots, Home Depot’s Lilburn #110, Publix, Johnny's NY Style Pizza, Papa Johns, and Wingstop’s Snellville locations, we were able to give several gifts to every child that attended; furthermore, we were fortunate enough to be able to give away some bikes and hoverboards, and larger toys.

children playing musical chairs at 2021's "A Christmas Experience" in Brooklyn, NY

This isn’t just about giving away toys, but instead is about creating happy memories that these children will hold dear in their hearts. Creating memories like this during their childhood is important in helping them have a positive outlook on the world, and will help them forget about the stress of everyday life. This is also to show the parents that there are people in the community that are here to help them.

Every Child Gets a Gift in Brooklyn was a Christmas party held to give away gifts to those left fortunate, and provide them with an unforgettable extravaganza. This was our second event partnering with K&L Manor, and it turned out more magnificent than the first.

Thanks to the help of Team Bouncy House NYC and other companies/individuals, we were able to have two bouncy houses, food, beverages, video games, a DJ, a 360 photo booth, Mickey & Minnie Mouse, and so much more.

The eventgoers were astonished, and every child left the party with multiple gifts. Some children were able to win large prizes like bikes and hoverboards that left them smiling ear to ear.

Rabbi discussing the significance of Hannukah at "A Holiday Cultural Experience" 2022

A Holiday Cultural Experience

December 14th, 2022

Religion can be used as a tool to bring a community together or tear it apart. Last holiday season, Power of Millennials and The Carey Gabay Foundation aimed to create unity by creating, "A Holiday Cultural Experience," celebrating three major holidays in December. Children and their parents will be encouraged to learn about Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza from educators and local religious leaders. This event was intended to encourage members of the community to learn about their neighbors, overcome their differences, and build stronger bonds between neighbors. This also gave us an opportunity to provide gifts to families that are less fortunate. More photos of this event are available on our Instagram page, powerofmillennialsorg.

Santa with a dozen bikes at 2022 "A Christmas Experience" in Snellville, GA

A Christmas Experience

December 16th, 2022

A Christmas Experience is a Christmas party held for underprivileged children ages 0-17 in Metro Atlanta. We provide food, beverages, games, a Santa to take pictures, a photo booth, prizes, music, and much more. Although we change the name of the event every year, our mission is the same. We provided these children with toys, electronics, and possibly clothing that will allow them to enjoy their holiday season to the fullest. This isn’t just about giving away toys but instead is about creating happy memories that these children will hold dear in their hearts. We hope that your family will come out this year to enjoy our wonderful party with us. More photos of this event are available on our Instagram page, powerofmillennialsatl

The logo for the nonprofit Hopework Ghana

Outreach in Ghana

January 2023
Power of Millennials was started by a family that has always enjoyed giving back together. During our trip to Ghana, we partnered with Hopeworks Ghana for a project to give children at Christ Outreach Orphanage new bikes. Initially, we came to donate laptops, a tablet, money pens, and socks. When we met the children, they told us their dreams and aspirations. Many of them want to grow up to be football stars, so we decided to give them money to purchase a soccer ball.

Partnering with Hopeworks Ghana

Others told us they wish to become a doctor, teacher, or other professions that would require them to go to school. We decided to purchase bikes to provide them with a method of transportation to get to and from school. In addition to this, we purchased school supplies for the children to use. As we continue to fundraise more, we plan to help these children achieve their goals, and continue our wonderful partnership with Hopeworks Ghana.

children at Christ Outreach Orphanage in front of the bikes we donated
VP of Power of Millennials giving a monetary donation to the children at Christ Outreach Orphanage
Peace in Piedmont Park Flyer

Peace in Piedmont Park

June 24th, 2023

Atlanta has witnessed a wave of crime affect our city, and as a nonprofit, we wish to do our best to help protect the children in our community. “Peace in Piedmont Park” was an event where we aimed to bring together members of the community for Gun Violence Awareness Month and Children’s Awareness Month. The gun violence epidemic is something that is tearing our nation and its children apart. Between school shootings and mass shootings, children are bombarded with images in the media of their peers being affected by guns. These children should have peaceful days in the park, on our city streets, and no matter where they venture, which is why we promoted, “Peace in Piedmont Park."

Coming Together to Make a Change

We had food, beverages, games, medical screenings, and job training. In addition to this, we spoke with the community about the issues that aren’t being addressed. It’s important to display to our youth that we care about their safety and future. This event was a collaborative effort between Power of Millennials, Transforming You, and Companions of Encouragement.

DC Trip teens and chaperones posing at fine dining dinner

BK x D.C. Boys and Girls Trip

Power of Millennials planned to take 12 teens to Washington D.C. in 2020. Unfortunately, the global pandemic prevented the trip from occurring. Now that COVID-19 safety guidelines allow for travel, we decided to bring 9 boys and 3 girls to DC. Prior to our trip, we took them to a New York Mets baseball game to enjoy a fun outing before the educational experience. We are grateful that we were able to take these teens on an educational trip to our nation's capital. Everyone left with a better understanding of why hate and cultural bias is the way that it is in the country. More importantly, they learned how far we have come as a nation, and that they are the future generation that is responsible for continuing to push for a better tomorrow.

Trip Details

Thanks to the nonprofit, "Godsquad," we were able to provide free roundtrip transportation, and we were able to enjoy various activities. During our trip to Washington D.C., we visited the African  American History Museum where they learned about how racial and cultural bias commenced in this nation; how to work towards eliminating racial and cultural bias; ultimately, what to do when confronted with racial and cultural bias. In addition to these museums, we had the privilege of dining at Ben's Chili Bowl and Joe's Seafood, Prime Steak, and Stone Crab, two restaurants that are famous historical establishments. Thanks to the nonprofit, "100 Suits," we were able to provide them with suits and we taught them fine dining etiquette. We're delighted that some of the children were able to experience entirely new things such as staying at a hotel, fine dining, and traveling outside of their home state.

DC trip photo of the teens and chaperones in front of the African American History museumdc trip teens posing in front of MLK memorial dc trip teens and VP of Power of Millennials posing in front of Washington Monument

East New York Family Community Day

Immediately after the trip on July 26th, we joined the 67th Precinct Clergy Council (Godsquad) for their event where we donated clothing to families in a shelter in Brooklyn, NY. We gave away hundreds of items to them, and everyone who came to our table left with a smile on their face. You can see photos from this event on slides 1 and 2.

East NY "Sleep City" Back to School Giveaway

We also gave away 50 backpacks filled with school supplies at the “Sleep City Back to School Giveaway" allowing us to give back to children in East New York (Brooklyn, NY), the community where our board members are originally from. This event took place on August 5th and displayed how our community will always come together for those in need. You can see photos from this event on slides 3 and 4.

Shower in the City

On August 9th, we partnered with several nonprofits in Brooklyn, NY to host an event for homeless individuals called “Shower in the City.” During this event, we had health screenings, food, clothing, and showers. Our organization gave out brand-new clothing and undergarments to individuals before they entered the shower bus to shower. Other organizations provided services that they specialize in. Eastern Parkway was lined with nonprofits, city-funded departments, and vendors who came together to help anyone who wanted to utilize the resources available and escape homelessness.

Diaspora Community Service's Youth Empowerment Fair

On August 10th, we joined Diaspora Community for their Youth Empowerment Fair/back-to-school event where we gave out light-up speakers and official tour merchandise from famous hip-hop and pop artists. Now they have some nice new clothes for the new school year. DCS also provided school supplies to their students who attended. It was a pleasure to interact with the youth there, and to be a part of such an amazing event.

youth at youth empowerment fair selecting prizes and learning about our organization

Shower Bus Event on November 11th, 2023 with BCS in Brooklyn, NY

New York City recently received thousands of men, women, and children who are asylum seekers, and searching for a safe and stable sanctuary they can call home. Unfortunately, the city has limited resources, and does what it can to help these individuals; therefore, we decided to try and help them with clothing donations. We reached out to a nonprofit that we knew could make this possible. Thanks to Brooklyn Community Services (BCS), we were able to provide undergarments, hoodies, hats, hygiene kits, and more to over 25 men. These men are working towards creating a better life for themself and their families, so we must show them that they can accomplish more if they become a part of our community; therefore, we have to do our part not to alienate them as well. This event wouldn't have been possible without the help of BCS and Bushwick City Farms. It's always great when we can partner with other organizations to do what is best for our community.

A Holiday Cultural Experience

December 12th, 2023

Religion can be used as a tool to bring a community together or tear it apart. During the 2022 holiday season, Power of Millennials and The Carey Gabay Foundation aimed to create unity by creating, "A Holiday Cultural Experience," celebrating three major holidays in December. This year, we continued the tradition and expanded on the event. Children and their parents were encouraged to learn about Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza from educators and local religious leaders. We had community leaders present, and discuss why each holiday is important to them as Brooklynites. This event is intended to encourage members of the community to learn about their neighbors, overcome their differences, and build stronger bonds between neighbors. This also gave us an opportunity to provide gifts to less fortunate children ages 0-17. We raffled away bikes, gift cards, tablets, and other prizes. We also provided two laptops to two international students who are attending high school in Brooklyn. More photos of this event are available on our Instagram page, powerofmillennialsorg and our photo gallery page.

A Christmas Experience

December 23rd, 2023

A Christmas Experience is a Christmas party we host for children ages 0-17 in Metro Atlanta. Zoar United Methodist Church in Snellville has provided us with a spacious and amazing venue space to use since we commenced hosting the event, and Toys for Tots donates many of the toys that help make this event possible. We provide food, beverages, games, Santa Claus, face painting, a photo booth, prizes, music, and much more. We provide these children with toys, electronics, clothing, and an unforgettable experience that will allow them to enjoy their holiday season to the fullest. This isn’t just about giving away toys. We hope that the children who attend can create happy memories that they will hold dear in their hearts. We have to display to them that the community can accomplish more if we come together as one. We know from personal testimonies that this event has a substantial positive impact on our community, and that motivates us to expand on this event every year. More photos of this event are available on our Instagram page, powerofmillennialsorg and our photo gallery page.

Outreach in Trinidad & Tobago

Our late board member, Clarence Guerra, was a Trinidadian-born US citizen who was committed to always helping those in need. He would give the shirt off of his back to anyone, even a stranger that he just met because that is how selfless he was. To honor his legacy, Power of Millennials provided a grant to a family in Trinidad & Tobago in need of emergency help. Camille and her children, Aaron (15), Adiel (6), and Anaya (4) are a family of four who struggle to make ends meet. She is solely responsible for providing the basic needs, tuition fees, daycare fees, and more for her household which leaves her with no spare time or resources. Her situation significantly worsened after the pandemic when she lost her job. This resulted in her losing all her furniture and appliances, along with daycare for Anaya. Camille works 9 – 12 hours daily at a food factory for wages (2/3 of her pre-pandemic job) which is barely enough to keep food on the table and send the kids to school. This is why Power of Millennials provided the family with a grant to help them purchase USD 4,000 worth of new appliances, furniture, and make necessary repairs to their home. Thanks to this the family can live much more comfortably and can focus their energy and resources towards Aaron participating in Boys Scouts & Basketball, Adiel playing soccer, and Anaya taking swimming lessons.

Outreach in Ghana

June 2024

Power of Millennials was started by a family that has always believed in giving back together. We visited Christ Vision Academy with 234 students, and are commencing a project where we will expand the entire school by creating a second story. The teachers and staff are excellently educating these students, but the school's director expressed a great desire to accept more students. Unfortunately, he has had to turn them away due to their lack of space. This school educates children ages 2-14. We met some of the students in June, and we were able to witness firsthand how life-changing the education they receive is. We are committed to completing this project. This will be one of our ongoing projects for 2024 and 2025, and we appreciate any support or donations you can provide us. Below are pictures of the construction materials we purchased during our visit in early June. Thank you in advance for your support.

3rd Annual Shower in the City in Brooklyn, NY on July 25th

After we witnessed the impact we had on the community by being a part of this event, we decided to join IDCC, BCS, and several other organizations for the 3rd annual, "Shower in the City." During this event, we had health screenings, food, clothing, and showers. Our organization gave out brand-new clothing and undergarments to individuals as well as hygiene products. Other organizations provided services that they specialize in. Eastern Parkway was lined with nonprofits, city-funded departments, and vendors who came together to help anyone who wanted to utilize the resources available and escape homelessness. Despite having hundreds of items, the event had such a high turnout that we ran out of items earlier than last year.

Starrett City's 50th Anniversary Celebration & Back to School Giveaway on August 3rd

After giving away 50 bookbags at last year's "Starrett Day," we decided to make an even greater impact in East New York. This year on August 3rd, we gave away 100 book bags filled with school supplies to children for the back-to-school season. It was a privilege to not only give back to the community where some of our board members are from, but to also bring our 2024 SYEP interns with us to see the impact we have.

1st Annual Maino Day & Back to School Giveaway on August 16th

When Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Rey designated August 16th as “Maino Day,” Maino decided to celebrate this day (which is also his late mother's birthday) with the purpose of service and community give-back. He took this chance to empower the youth to avoid making the same mistake he did when he was young. Maino and his team joined forces with Power of Millennials and other organizations to organize a fun-filled day with games, prizes, and giveaways. We gave away hygiene products, clothing, and 200 bookbags filled with school supplies for kids in elementary, middle, and high school. The event had an amazing turnout with free food, rides, and other entertainment for children and their families. This was a much needed event in the Bedstuy community, and we know that our late board member, Clarence Guerra, would have loved to see an event like this taking place in his neighborhood.